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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dear Vera Bradley,

I love your bags and accessories. Unfortunately, med school takes all the money that I don't have and some more...
So, on one of my trips, to Jo Ann Fabrics, I found some patterns very much like yours, I couldn't handle myself and ended up buying a few yards.
The fabrics are so bright and colorful that I want to keep sewing and sewing...Letting my imagination create whatever I feel like.
Tonight, I made this cute tote!

I love being able to make bags like yours without spending lots of $$$.



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

*** Christmas gifts sneak pick ***

I have so many little things that I like to make and I always give it away when it's finished.
This year I saved a few favorite patterns and decided to create a few Christmas gifts with it.
Sewing is always fun and it brings great joy to make something for someone I love.
Here are a few sneak picks:

You can guess what it is...but you can't guess who is getting it! 

Friday, November 18, 2011

My craziness over little kid's stuff.

If you know me, you know how I LOVE children. 
I love their smiles and how they ALWAYS make me laugh.
Often, I come up with different patterns for kids. This month I made this cute little dress and since I don't have a cute little girl to wear it (yet) I gave it to a perfect little model.

Thanks Marissa for sharing these beautiful pictures!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

One happy AMERICAN girl

Yesterday, November 9th, 2011 I became an American Citizen!
A very exciting and important moment of my life!

Here are a few shots of this special day:
(Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures)

And a video of me swearing the oath of citizenship:

oh...and now I CAN vote!

Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm participating in "So you think you can sew"

  I was digging through the blogs that I usually read (crafty stuff) when I saw Mommy by day, Crafter by night and I started reading about the "so you think you can sew" contest.
I found myself thinking: why not? I love sewing, I love competing, I love new I decided to compete!
Here is the project that I have chosen:

(A very unique project that has made trips to the beach and to the pool much easier)

Please, please, please, pray and cheer for me as I'm in this to win! I am going to work hard and give everything I have to this competition!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Leonardo, The Red Footed Tortoise - A Tartaruga Jabuti

That's right, we got a tortoise! Isso mesmo, nos compramos uma tartaruga!
He is so cute! He likes to explore his new habitat and loves to eat spinach and bananas.
Ele e tao fofinho! Ele gosta de explorar seu novo habitat e ama comer espinafre e bananas.
I just want to remember forever how little he was when we got him.
I quero lembrar pra sempre o quanto pequenino ele era quando nos compramos ele.

See you I'm gonna go play with my tortoise...
Ate mais, agora vou brincar com a minha tartaruga...

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Saudade: Definição

Sentimento melancólico

causado pela ausência

 ou pelo desaparecimento de pessoas 

ou coisas 

a que se estava afetivamente muito ligado, 

pelo afastamento de um lugar ou de uma época, 

ou pela privação de experiências agradáveis 
vividas anteriormente


Assim que me sinto...agora...sempre...

Monday, September 26, 2011

Key West 2011

My best friend, Stephanie was here for the past 3 weeks. We went so many places and did so much that even if I blogged for a whole year straight I wouldn't tell all... 

Upon her arrival, I baked some chocolate chip cookies!
She is bringing 3 lbs of cookie dough so she can bake at home.
Cookies are her favorite!

We went to a Brazilian pizzaria in Miami with Bruna
After picking up Melissa from the airport, we headed to Key West
Once at the Keys, we went to a Thai Restaurant
We couldn't help but stare at the beautiful sunset
We went out and had so much fun!
Next morning we went on a boat trip!
 Snorkeling, Parasailing, Jet Skiing, Water Park
Name it...we did it ALL!

Later, we went shopping...

 Another beautiful sunset

 We were exhausted but we couldn't waste a minute...

 Next morning we went to the Southernmost Point of the US 

 I was not ready to say good bye to my friends...All I could say was: "See you later"

Thanks to:
Stephanie for travelling all the way from Brazil
Melissa, for coming from DC to meet us
And Bruna, for putting up with us and driving!